Wednesday 3 August 2011

Choc-Coconut Truffle Cakes

The first time I made these cakes was on a lazy sunday afternoon when I had some leftover ganache from a pervious recipe. Being a lover of chocolate I couldn't bear to waste it so decided to make some mini choc-coconut truffles. For those of you who are not familar with ganache, let me introduce you to the most delicioussilky, shiny chocolate topping known to man. When said topping is put in the refrigerator it creates a firm consistency which can then be used to make truffles :)  

Inspired by the look of these gorgeous toffee cupcakes (Women's Day, Cupcakes) I decided to make a chocolate and coconut cupcake with a pyramid of choc-coconut truffles on top. 


This recipe, whilst extremely delicious, is also intensely rich so even the most experienced chocoholic should tread carefully. 

I will also admit that this recipe is a bit fiddly and time consuming so is best kept as a weekend project. 

You can alter the size of the cakes depending on how you intend to serve them. Larger cakes served with a side of cream are perfect for dessert or with coffee. Alternatively mini sized cupcakes are great to take along to any morning or afternoon tea.

You Will Need:

Choc-Coconut Truffles
100g dark eating chocolate
100g milk eating chocolate
1/3 of a cup of double cream
1/2 cup desiccated coconut
approx. 1/2 - 1 cup of shredded coconut (for rolling)

Chocolate Coconut Cakes
60g dark eating chocolate (coarsely chopped)
2/3 cup water
90g butter, softened
2/3 cup of caster sugar
2 eggs (at room temperature)
2 tablespoons of cocoa powder
1/3 cup of desiccated coconut

Chocolate Ganache 
60g milk eating chocolate
40g dark eating chocolate
1/4 cup of thickened cream

For Choc-Coconut Truffles
1. Place chocolate and cream in a heatproof bowl that will fit over a saucepan
2. Fill saucepan with water 1/3 of the way and bring to simmer, place bowl with chocolate and cream on top of saucepan
3. Stir chocolate with a metal spoon until melted then take off heat. Ganache should look thick and glossy
4. Add coconut to chocolate mixture and stir until incorporated
5. Cover  set aside at room temperature for 1 1/2 hours or place in the fridge for approximately 45 minutes, until mixture is firm and easy to roll.
6. Use 1/2 teaspoon to spoon out small portion of mixture
7. Dust hands in a small amount of cocoa to prevent sticking and roll mixture into balls in the palm of your hand.
8. Toss in shredded coconut and place on tray covered in baking paper, refrigerate for half an hour until firm.

NOTE: This truffle recipe is good for more than just garnishing, when made slightly larger they are are also perfect for gifts or party favors

For Chocolate Coconut Cakes
1. Preheat oven (170°C/150°C fan forced). Line 12-hole standard or 24-hole mini muffin pan with paper cases.
2. Combine chocolate and water in small saucepan; stir over low heat until smooth.
3. Beat butter and sugar in a bowl with electric mixer until well light and fluffy.
4. Add eggs one at a time and continue to beat until thick and pale.
5. Sift flour and cocoa into bowl, add coconut and warm chocolate mixture. Fold until just combined.
6. Divide mixture amoung cases; smooth surfaces.
7. Bake regular sized cakes about 20-25 minutes, mini cakes 12-15 minutes. Turn onto wire wrack to cool.

For Chocolate Ganache
1. Place chocolate and cream in a heatproof bowl that will fit over a saucepan
2. Fill saucepan with water 1/3 of the way and bring to simmer, place bowl with chocolate and cream on top of saucepan
3. Stir chocolate with a metal spoon until melted then take off heat. Ganache should look thick and glossy
4. Stand at room temperature until spreadable.

To Decorate:
1. Place ganache into a piping bag, squeeze a small amount onto the middle of cake and use a knife to spread evenly. 
2. Pipe 5 small swirls of ganache around the edge of the cake, place 1 miniture truffle on each swirl, pressing down slightly.
3. Fill gap in the middle with ganache and place truffle on top. 

This is only a guide, cupcakes also look nice with just one truffle on top (and are not nearly as rich). Have a play around and see what look you prefer best.

Hope you enjoy!

The Maid of Cakes

Monday 25 July 2011

Introducing The Maid of Cakes

Welcome friends!

I'm an average 22 year old Brisbanite.

I enjoy clever puns, runs along the river, a glass (or bottle) of wine, afternoon naps, old hollywood movies and general procrastination.

I also happen to have a sweet tooth; couple that with a love of cooking and.... 

A cake maid is born!

To the dislike of my calorie counting family & friends I tend bake at least once a week and thus have decided to document these escapades. I plan to share my future cake chronicles and general life musings with you. Here you'll find recipes, baking & decorating tips as well as the odd restaurant review.

I hope you'll enjoy it.
Until next time, happy baking everyone, 

The Maid of Cakes